Thursday, September 30, 2010

Facebook: the early days

Since we've been discussing social networking sites in class, and since "The Social Network" is opening this weekend, I thought I'd share this interesting story I found on It's about the early days of Facebook, and a similar site at Columbia that was started around the same time. I think it provides an interesting look at the business-side of these sites and the competition that went on. It's easy to think that Facebook has always been ubiquitous but that's definitely not the case. You can link to the story here:

There's also some interesting discussion about why Facebook might have been more appealing for users than CU Community (the competing site). Although Facebook in the beginning had fewer ways for users to interact with one another, the site was easier to use and less confusing, apparently.

I'm hoping to see the movie this weekend. Anyone else?


  1. I'm hoping to see it this weekend! I feel bad for Adam Goldberg because, looking at how successful Facebook is now, that's such a HUGE "What if...." for him to live with. What if he had continued to work with Mark Zuckerberg, what if he had changed the set up or privacy options for CU Community/Campus Network, what if he had just given up and saved his money. So many possibilities...but I'm glad to read that he's blogging and working on a new site. Wonder if he'd want to follow our blog...haha

  2. Wow! that's really interesting to see how close Goldberg came to having everything. It's really sad to see someone work so hard and lose out just because someone else was able to execute the idea better for that time. I really want to go see The Social Network...hopefully I'll be able to catch it next weekend!

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