Thursday, December 9, 2010

Programs Blocking Social Networking On Your Computer!

So I came across this article on Psychology Today's website and I thought it was really cool and definitely applicable to our (now finished *tear*) class!

  I don't personally own a Mac but this article discusses some programs that are available on the Internet that can block out social networking sites completely until you reboot your computer--they appeal to professionals and students by saying that you will get WAY more work done using their programs because if the program is running, most people are not going to want to reboot their computer just to check if anything new happened on Twitter.

 I think this could definitely be effective because I know the Internet plays a huge role in my procrastination habits. I mean, hello, Netflix + Facebook +Online window shopping = no work getting done! If these programs were available to you, do you think you'd use them? Why?


  1. i like that this is what we have come to in order to get our work done
    i cant wait to see what the next generation will have to do in order to stay productive....

  2. I would totally use this! I need it right now actually
