Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fanfiction -- Blogging of the Arts

Fan fiction – writing out our dream lives…

Ok so in my teen years, I use to write funny short stories about my life, if I were to become Ms. Trey Songz, or Mrs. J-Boog.   They were pretty boring, and corny, me being like 15 I had barely experienced anything about life, but upon doing some searching some people go really hard core. It made me think about how people really get into the stories, and kind of live through the stories.  I have to admit they are pretty good stories, but it can get kind of crazy.  I’ve seen sites where some people start to join cliques or “Writing teams” – like small production companies, all on the internet with girls who are 14-17 years old.   Other people comment on the stories as the stories unfold chapter by chapter.
I wonder if fan fiction is just an adolescent past time, as mine was. Kind of like blogging but instead of discussing real life events, I told stories of my dream life. Or could it get dangerously stalkerish for celebrities.
They even make avatars for the stories, and banners of themselves with the star in question, like it could be the cover of a novel.
Like these:

I think this is interesting, because I feel like they are tuning their instrument of writing. These could be potential bestselling authors….or celebrity stalkers – I guess the future will tell.
I’ve listed some sites that I visit every now and then (Most of them are Chris Brown – he’s my favorite LOL)


  1. I totally fantasize about marrying a famous celebrity and use some of my real-life details to paint the picture in me head. And even though I never blogged about it or actually wrote short stories I heard about an incident where this girl loved this celebrity so much she murdered him and as if that wasn't enough, she ate him to be closer to him!! Talk about gross obsession! I don't know how real this story was, or how fictional it was, but either or it creeped me out! I mean can these people really do anything other than imagine or are they creating alternate realities for themselves that they believe are true? I just wonder how public is too public and how attached is too attached.

  2. I just took a look at those links and read a couple stories and such....a little intense! Some of the writers' bios I read were so dedicated to researching and keeping up with the celebrity they idolized that it didn't seem like they had much time for anything else. Kind of a full time job!

  3. This is really interesting! I've never read these fanfics that are about being with celebrities but that's definitely interesting. I think it's kind of like daydreaming except they're actually putting their thoughts down. I have read a lot of fanfics that are spin-offs of other things like Harry Potter and yes I am unashamed to admit that I read Twilight related fanfics sometimes. They're really fun because they tell the little stories that you wish the author included in the books. Some of them get kind of raunchy but they're fun! All in all, I think fanfics are just a way for people to daydream, fantasize, get out some crazy ideas they have, and write! A lot of people like to write...I think that's why I love blogging a little too much!

  4. No joke... I'd never heard of this kind of thing before. I knew about blogging and Livejournal, Xanga, and Myspace but I had never heard of this before.
