Friday, October 22, 2010

real world tendencies transcend into virtual worlds

Hello everyone!

I thought the discussion in class this past Wednesday was really interesting. The one about real world characteristics and tendencies transferring over into a virtual world, such as eye gaze, communication tendencies, and truthfulness. All of these were not in a single article but discussed at different times and in different articles. I just would have never thought real life issues such as eye-gaze could transfer into a virtual world like second life. And the more time I spend in second life, and after reading the article, I have realized that I do look at the other person in the virtual world. I also look away when I don't want to continue the conversation or get uncomfortable. It is crazy, that before I wasn't even aware that I did look at the other person like I do in real life. I wonder if this is because I took it like a real life situation in meeting a new person who was trying to help me out, or if I just do it subconsciously and/or naturally without thinking about it on a regular basis? What do you guys think?

Also, the way we communicate in real life is the same in a virtual world as well. I have the "hey, what's up.?" Nothing, you?" "Same." conversation with people who I think are acquaintances, (those who aren't exactly my close friends or people I have just met once or twice). And when I know the person I tend to be more open or reveal more information, just as I do in real life. I think it is fascinating that I do this! I thought I would differ from real life to virtual life.

Lastly, truthfulness online. Can you really trust the people online to tell the truth? Can you really trust yourself online to tell the whole truth? Is that way its so forgiving when a person lies online? I mean, but is it really a lie or a "stretch of the truth...a fib?" Either or I don't really think lying should be forgiving. Lying to someone is a betrayal of a person's trust. Whether they fib or lie or anything but the truth, they are breaking a bond in my eyes. I just don't see the real reason people lie online? low self esteem? Take gender of an avatar. If you were to decide to play an avatar of the opposite sec that your are (i.e. females choses male avatars and males chooses female avatars.)isn't that a betrayal to yourself? Or is it done for a more game?  I don't really know where I'm going with this really, other than to ask that if you agree with the five most traits lied about online (income, age, etc), why do you think it's ok? and if you don't agree and think it is bad to lie online) why you think it's not ok?


  1. I cannot really come to a strong conclusion of how I feel about the real and virtual world. I feel that some aspects can really transfer into the virtual world, but what sometimes is overlooked is that these virtual worlds are referred to as "games" for a reason. Some people may lie about a lot of aspects in the virtual world, but in real life not really think they are doing anything wrong because they see it as a merely a fictional game. Others may take it very seriously and feel the need to be completely truthful. Like I have said before, I think it really depends on the individual.

  2. I agree with Amanda, I think it depends on the person using the avatar or interacting with others some way in the virtual world. I tell the truth online for the most part just because I don't see the point. Maybe it's a case to case decision for some people. I don't think I would necessarily feel bad if someone lied to me in the virtual and I found out. They're doing what makes them happy. I just make sure not to get invested or care too much. I make general conversation with people, like small talk, rather than trying to get to know them. I find it much easier to talk about a common topic or location in Second Life with strangers than to discuss anything about myself

  3. I just feel like I would never go into a virtual world and expect people to be telling me things that are true. If you can lie about your appearance by making your avatar look nothing like you, why should I believe half of the things you say? I know there are many people who speak nothing but the truth while they are in virtual worlds since it isn't threatening to them but I would just take things with a grain of salt in these online worlds.
