Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hacking and Sextortion

Okay, so I "liked" the FBI on Facebook and this entry popped up the other day and I think it's pretty relevant to our class. This highlights some of the scarier things that can happen to people online. We've talked about cyberbullying but there are worse things that can happen to someone online.

Click here to read the article

Basically what happened was that a hacker got viruses into people's computers that allowed him to see everything and use their webcams to watch them. 

Here are some quotes from the article that I found particularly disturbing.

"The hacker knew every move the unsuspecting victim made. He controlled her computer webcam and microphone. He could see her in her bedroom, hear her conversations, knew every keystroke she made online. And he threatened to expose her secrets unless she bowed to his demands"

--It is too scary to think of someone being able to watch what you're doing from your computer. In my room, my computer is set up right across from my bed. If someone hacked my computer they could creep on me while I'm sleeping. The FBI recommends turning off your computer when it's not in use or covering your webcam. I used to think people who covered their webcams were just being paranoid, but now I'll probably start doing it too. 

"After the hacker infected one computer, he used a popular social networking site—and a technique called “spear phishing”—to spread the virus"

--Ever gotten a spam message on Facebook? I'm sure you knew that clicking the link could cause a virus, but did you ever consider that it could let a hacker be able to see every move you make?

"In several instances, the hacker posed online as a young woman’s friend or sister and sent messages with attachments asking if the victim wanted to see a scary video. Because the messages appeared to be from a trusted source, the victims usually didn’t think twice about opening the attachment. When they did, the virus secretly installed itself, and the hacker had total control over their computers—including all files and folders, webcams, and microphones."

--This is just scary! My roommate sends me links to videos all the time. I would never question a link coming from her screen name.

"“And this guy was no computer genius,” Agent Kirkpatrick said. 'Anybody could do what he did just by watching an online video and following the directions.'"

--This is also scary. The fact that it's so easy! Crazy!

Alright, so sorry to get all dark and gloomy on you guys, but I just thought this scenario was too scary! Clearly there's a very dark side to the internet that we haven't touched on.

What do you guys think about all of this? Is there anything we can do to stop it? 

Maybe we should be working on more stringent security devices for computers that can better detect this hacking and stop it. 

I just think it's all very disturbing and I'm interested in hearing your opinions!


  1. This is DEFINITELY scary. Reading that article gave me the heeby jeebies. I immediately closed my netbook (it has my webcam, I'm using my real laptop). I always giggled at people who covered their webcam. My old roommate used to put a post-it note over her's that said "NO" on it. I might seriously start doing that even though mine has a blue light to show that it's on.

    The fact that it's so easy for someone to do this is terrifying. And opening links is such common practice in a society where we share youtube videos for laughs all the time. More awareness is necessary....I hadn't even heard of this!

  2. I completely agree. This is terrifying. It makes me glad I don't have a webcam on my computer right now. I think it's so easy for sensitive information to be stolen nowadays and thats always a concern for me. I think about it when I'm shopping online or doing online banking; but the idea that someone can get a hold of your pictures and personal stuff and use them to blackmail you... that's something I'd never thought about. And the fact that it's so easy to do makes it even worse. Scary stuff.

  3. it is really scary to think how easily hackers can gain access to private information over the internet. it's really important to be careful on the internet when viewing content from unknown sources. i get anxious whenever i download a .exe file even if i know where it's coming from. i recommend running a strong anti-virus program often and setting a system restore points if you know how.. be careful out there
