Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stressed? Need a Release? Blog

So for this semester had to try a new technology, and I decided to blog my life in my online diary titled Emergence of Immersion. It’s been a rocky road and it was there that I chronicled my life, my thoughts, poetry and events. I used my blog this semester as my release and it time that I really valued. I found this interesting article and it made me contemplate how long wills the blog go.

It’s interesting to me just how many themes blogs can have. From College Drama to Career Fields to Parenting.... I love that my online diary will follow me through my life.
But the article brings an interesting point. Does having a blog that others can read and comment make one take a closer look at themselves. Does it make you question your choices in life, once you’re written these things down?

I say it does. After I wrote many blogs, I thought... "Hmm Brittany you did a really good job on that" or "Brittany why are you so upset over such a small thing?"

I’m curious of your opinion....

1 comment:

  1. As I have mentioned in class, I really want to start a blog when I get some free time (hopefully sometime soon!) This is very interesting, and I would say that blogs do allow their users to take a closer look at themselves, or simply allow them to examine issues that may be critical to them at a certain time. I would think it also depends on what type of blogging we are talking about. Some food and fashion blogs are not really about the user's themselves, or about their issues, but I think the ones that are more of a diary or chronicle format are really beneficial!
