Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tweeting about Tigers

In case all the non-tweeters out there are wondering what kinds of things celebrities or public figures might tweet about, I saw this interesting example today:

Since Leonardo DiCaprio is an "ambassador" for World Wildlife Fund, he decided to use Twitter to publicize the plight of tigers. Interesting! Twitter is certainly an interesting way for public figures to put out information about their causes or interests. I'm sure plenty of non-famous people use it in similar ways. Anyone ever tweeted about a cause they wanted to bring attention to?

1 comment:

  1. I've tweeted about LGBT equality videos I've seen and shared celebrity quotes of support especially after all of the suicides that occurred. It's so easy to share these things so I feel like "why not??". I have the space and the followers to listen (i hope) so there's no reason not to use it!
